Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Oh how great are the Holidays
Well I just wanted to take the time to wish everyone a very Happy Halloween. Also I hope that you all are having a spooktacular time today. I know that I am. For it is all day Ninja day. I even went as far as to tap into my inner Chuck Norris (aka Walker Texas Ranger) and grew me a beard over the last week. Well anyways I have to go and fight off the evil doers of Pocatello and in the process move into my new place. Hooray for me. Until next time. (pictures soon to come maybe even some video footage.)
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
New Story for all to Enjoy.
Well I have decided that the cops here are no better than they are anywhere else. I came to this conclusion as I was so cautiously was driving home after working at the holiday Inn. I know that it sounds weird to here me say cautious and driving in the same sentence. But I truly was. It is late as usual when I was driving home and I noticed that there was a cop at the same stop light that I was at. So I made sure to go slow and keep the speed limit and to do things proper. I started out and was heading towards the house when I noticed that he started to slow down to about maybe ten miles per hour. Well I knew the instant that he saw me that the assumption was made that I am a drugie and was pushing and that is why I was out late. Well needless to say it but I turned on to my street got right to the point where i was about to turn into the driveway that leads to the carport where I just so convieniently park Emmy every night when the lights go on. Ridiculous. That is all that I have to say. He tells me that I didn't signal when I turned and also that my muffler is loud. Well Thanks Captain obvious. So I told him that I am working on finding the parts that are needed to fix the problems but that it is becoming more difficult to do so. All that he said was that I should work on that. I said ok. than he asked where I was headed and I said home. He than asked where that was and I said that it was here in the complex that I was just about to turn into. He said ok and sent me on my way. Wow it sure is a good thing that we have the PPD looking out for those drug peddlers driving old hippie vans. Yeah for me and Yeah for Emmy. Have a wonderful night and I hope that you all enjoyed story time with Hammy
Saturday, October 21, 2006
I am soooo tired.
Well It is after 4 a.m. I just got off from work at the lounge. I kicked everyone out at 1:30 2:00ish and then spent the next two hours cleaning. It was rediculous. Then tomorrow I get to go back to work at 2:00p.m. I will be sleeping until then hopefully in a coma. So if I don't answer my phone it is not because I don't like you it is just because I am not responding to life in general. So I just thought that I would share that with you all. Anyways, take care and have a lovely day.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
OK Go - Invincible
Video for OK Go's new single, Invincible. Directed by the band, it features OK Go dragging things into a room and blowing them to pieces. This music video is popular with people who like a) explosions; b) music; c) both. Visit OK Go: http://okgo.net http://myspace.com/okgo |
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I am a lucky man.
Yesterday was great I got a wonderful visit from Mary, Kori, and Jo. I am sure that there are a lot of jealous guys out there. Who wouldn't want to recieve a phone call telling you that there are going to be three girls comming into town to climb with you. I know that I have waited a long time for a phone call like that. It was a lot of fun. I also get to go and look at the apartment today that I will probably be moving into. So it should be fun. Well I have to get going but I will chit chat with all of you later. Homework is beckoning me. So I must answer its call.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Family and friends
Well it has been a long and adventerous weekend. Mare and I took a trip to Twin Falls. Where Mare had to opportunity to meet i think everyone in Twin Falls that has ever known me and my family. But that is what happens. We also were able to go to Ross Falls in the South hills and enjoy the warm weather and beauty of nature. We ate home cooked meals that were delicous and very fulfilling. Also we went with my dad to Wells Nevada and helped him take pictures at a homecomming dance there. If you look on her Blog that is where the pictures are. The outfits are compliments of the DI. Oh yeah that is right we dressed up for the occassion. It was a ton of fun. I can't help but appreciate all that my family and friends do for me. Truly I would not be the person I am today if I hadn't had the positive influences that I have had in my life. I am one very blessed person and am grateful for all that life throws at me. Thanks for the memories.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Sittin, Waitin, Wishin.
Well i am here at school. Sitting in my Brothers office. Reading Everyones blogs and enjoying my time. I have a midterm today that I should be studying for but I am not. I am waiting for my first class which is speech. I have already given my speech so now I get to listen to everyone elses. My speech went over just fine. I should say that the delivery was fine, I have yet to find out about the paper portion of it. Anyways, I was just wishing that I was else where hanging out with friends and doing all the fun stuff that i love to do. Like yesterday when Mare and I went climbing at Kelly Canyon. It was beautiful and lots of fun also. Well I am going to get for now.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I have recieved a comment that i do n't update my blog enough. Well that is true but only because nothing adventerous or exciting has happened as of recent. I have just been working and studying and doing all the homework that has been assigned. I am not happy with how it has been but that is the way of life and therefore you must all suffer and wait until I have asomething a little more exciting to write about. So for right now I will be living vicariously through your lives and will enjoy all of your stories. Thanks for the concern and hopefully I will be able to have fun soon.
love, peace, and chicken grease.
mmmmmmmm Chicken!!
love, peace, and chicken grease.
mmmmmmmm Chicken!!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
What fond memories we all shared that wonderful weeken in Utah.

the moment we've all been waiting for.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Adventures in Utah
Well we all had a wonderful time in Utah. I even have the photodocumentation to prove it. I just need to get it developed and on to the computer so that I can up load it on to the blog. It will be fun and I hope to have it done by the end of this week. We will see what happens. I am also happy to see that the cold and wet weather decided to wait until after the weekend. How pleasant nature can be sometimes. Well have a wonderful day and I will talk to you all soon.
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