Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Anticipation kills

While you are all waiting for the pictures that my mother took of us at this comp. you can turn your attention to the one that Mr. Craig Wolfrom took of us. The majority of them are of our crew that came to it. There are some really great ones of us all. It was great seeing everyone. Take care and I will talk to you all soon. The web address is www.craigwolfrom.com you won't be dissapointed. Also try not to die from the shock of me actually posting for the first time in over a month. Thanks a bunch take care.
Peace out.


Craig said...

tell your mother that she is wonderful for taking all of the pictures and have a great time in P town work i hope to see you again soon

M.climb said...

I wait in great antisipation for you mothers blessed skills to be revealed. Tell her thank you for coming and being the team mom. Shazzam Check these shinanagins

Mary Grace said...

wowo i almost did just die because you did actually post...but i like it. hope youre doing well in pokey, maybe sometime we will hang out eh? haha

Mary Grace said...

by the way- i looked at that site- sweet pics man! i really liked em! you kids looked good on the wall!!

mamachele said...

I sent the pictures to Tim now it is up to him.