Monday, June 25, 2007

Finaly a story to tell worthy of the Blog.

Well kids gather around for once again it is story time with Hammy. It has been a wonderful day so far. I have the day to do nothing and so as a result Marcus and I decided that we would go and climb at this sweet spot that he knew about. So we went. On our way out we decided to hit the store for some goodies. I noticed that the gas prices had come down and thought that was fantastic. Well as you can probably see where this is going I will continue forward. We then headed out on our little adventure. We started heading out south of town and were headed into the La Sal Canyon to do some climbing. On our way to our location it became very hilly. On our way up we were laughing and talking about some great times from the past and as we were nearing our destination maybe between 2-5 minutes out Emmy, for those of you who don't know who Emmy is that would be my Bus, started to jump like she was running out of gas. I then looked over at Marcus and said, "Marcus, We're running out of gas. So we laughed about that and thanked our lucky stars that we were on a very steep hill. So we flipped around which had to be done in reverse because I couldn't get the car to run. So upon switching directions and heading back out of the canyon we continued to joke about it. Marcus relived the only three other experiences he's had with running out of gas. Two of which were in VW's. Well we made it out of the canyon no problem and decided that if we could make it this far we could make it to the gas station. The car was running just fine and so we just kind of rationalized that it was the hill and that there was plenty of gas to get us to a station to fill up. That was where we were wrong. We got what we thought was roughly about three plus miles from the gas station and ran out of gas. As a last ditch effort I popped Emmy into Neutral and we began a coast towards the station. This was great because as long as we peaked out on the hill we would make it to the Shell station no problem. Well we barely peaked and then began the descent into the wonderful world of "oh we have this no problem." As we pulled into the station I had to pull all the way around all of the pumps just to get to the last one so that i could get to the pump on the passenger side. This was one of the most amazing times that I have had since I have been here. Once again it was just another adventure to add to the wonderful story book that Marcus and I have started and continue to add to. So needless to say it was awesome and we actually went back climbed and on the way back in we measured the length at which we traveled and it was exactly three miles and roughly two tenths of a mile. So I hope that you all enjoyed. I chuckled to myself just by rewriting it. It is a treasure to be here and to be surrounded by such great people.



M.climb said...

Mmmmmmm, The good times in life. The soap opera that is all of us. The comedic tragedy of every thing. It was a good day and now I go and rig for my trip.

Jessie's Joy in Her Journey said...

lucky you. someone upstairs must like you alot. That would have been a long walk for gas! I miss talking to you and am looking forward to your cell phone contract running out. hee hee

William Cobb said...

i totally know what that's like... i was driving back from 9 days on the trail in AZ and the car ran out of gas. luckily i kicked it into neutral and we coasted (slightly downhill) took the offramp, ran a stop sign, and slowly up to a gas pump at the station on the corner - didn't even have to get out and push it! It was blessed.

Mary Grace said...

oh blessed emmy. i do miss that van. and i miss timmy as well. but i am glad you are having rediculous and hilarious adventures with fantastic (or should i saw VANtastic?) pals. next time, put that gas can back on top of the van in case of emergency...

mamachele said...

timinator - dad and I have an extra gas can if you need it...all you have to do is come to twin!

tolman said...

nice i new emmy could do it , i had no douts so when you come back home stop in utah and letts hang out.