Well for those of you that don't know it was rodeo week at the Holiday Inn. That means that WE as employees had to put up with cowboys and cowgirls alike that love the alcohol. As I sit and reflect upon the late nights and early mornings, that and a friendly reminder from Malorie whom I am humbled to even be in her presence, that I really did enjoy the week. It wasn't as bad as most made it out to be and really who needs a full eight hours of sleep. really three to four hours is plenty for one nights rest. Just a minor recap on some of the events that were really captivating.
One night we had a group of four cowboys decide that at three in the morning they were going to go swimming. That is a grand and it happens quite often and so night audit is truly skilled in the handlings of late night swimmers, but one out of the three was in the buff. That is always interesting especially for Liz the lucky one that drew the short straw and had to go and kick the nude male and cohorts out of the pool. They did leave not very happily but they did leave.
Next we had the marvelous barking dog that decided to bark continually and with out stopping from about 11pm until 2:30am when we were finally able to get a hold of the owner and tell them to come back and shut their dog up. Well needless to say the owner had to make a quick juant by Jack and the box because drinking and jack in the box tend to go together. We got them to cooperate but we had some very un-happy next door neighbors that next day.
Well I think that is about it for me on this post. I do hope that every one had a great St. Patty's Day. I did even though i had to work I was still able to work in about an hour and a half of good wholesome climbing outside. The first for the season in the warmth and comfort of the outdoors. I think I even got a good start on some color for my trip to Nashville. I would hate to be the only white honky. hahaha. Well I must run. Thanks for tuning into this addition of stories by hammy.